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En blog om det gode expatliv
af Henriette Johnsen
Velkommen til min blog. Her finder du alt fra guider om forskellige aspekter af expatlivet til personlige historier fra andre expats – og vigtigst af alt, dybdegående artikler om nogle af de psykologiske aspekter ved livet i udlandet. Bloggen er skrevet på engelsk, og nogle poster henvender sig specifikt til udlændinge i Danmark, mens andre er generelle for expats.
Jeg håber, du vil bruge disse blogposter til at berige din oplevelse som udlandsdansker.

Henriette Johnsen
for 1 dag siden3 min læsning
The Power of Therapy in English: how language flows as the key to healing
As a bilingual therapist primarily working in my second language, English, to support expats in improving their mental health, emotional...

Henriette Johnsen
10. okt. 20248 min læsning
Dealing with Loss of Identity as an Expat - featured on The Expat Woman Audio Summit, Oct 2024
Introduction Before moving abroad, did you ever think about the concept of identity? Did you ever consider what it may feel like to have...

Henriette Johnsen
27. sep. 20243 min læsning
The struggle is real – the neglected loneliness of an expat
Countless times I've heard the refrain: 'You're so lucky!' or 'Why move to Denmark when London's bustling with possibilities?'...

Henriette Johnsen
26. sep. 20243 min læsning
Loneliness in expats
In recent years, much has been written about loneliness, in particular amongst the younger and the elder generations: loneliness is on...

Henriette Johnsen
17. sep. 20242 min læsning
The nightmare of the "Stuck expat mums"
What is a stuck mum? It means that if you move abroad with your partner, have children and split, you are stuck because you are not...

Henriette Johnsen
23. jun. 20248 min læsning
A guide to Danish school life!
New to Danish school culture. Learn how to best support your child.

Henriette Johnsen
22. jun. 20243 min læsning
Work-life balance for expatriates in Denmark!
Exploring the concept of work-life balance in Denmark and its implications for expatriates, this final blogpost in the series on Danish...

Henriette Johnsen
22. jun. 20246 min læsning
Freedom alongside responsibility in Danish workplaces!
It is no secret that Danish society is heavily structured and institutionalised from the early stages of life until the later years....

Henriette Johnsen
22. jun. 20247 min læsning
Understanding humour, irony, and sarcasm in Danish workplaces!
Oh, the number of times I have burnt my fingers and wished, I could have swallowed my tongue before I learnt to not be as candid in...

Henriette Johnsen
22. jun. 20242 min læsning
Mastering flat company structures and implied hierarchies in Danish work culture!
While initially challenging to navigate, numerous expats affirm that the quality of Danish work culture significantly enhances their...

Henriette Johnsen
21. apr. 20246 min læsning
The missing piece - struggles of trailing spouses
For lack of a better term and fully aware that many consider it derogatory and an indication of a life without responsibility, direction...

Henriette Johnsen
14. mar. 20244 min læsning
Has expat life thrown you into identity crisis?
Essentially, identity is a question of who you are. Identity reflects your values that guide your choices in life. When you make choices...

Henriette Johnsen
5. feb. 20245 min læsning
How to effectively navigate disagreements, conflicts, and crises in your romantic relationship?
Many, if not most, couples experience disagreements, conflicts, and crises at some stage of their relationship. These can break trust,...

Henriette Johnsen
25. jan. 20244 min læsning
Shame … on language
When living in London, I studied and trained to become a psychotherapist. Doing so in my second language, I experienced frustration,...

Henriette Johnsen
16. jan. 20244 min læsning
Tips on befriending Danes!
It’s no secret, that Denmark has a lot to offer, but being an expat in one of the seemingly happiest countries in the world is no walk in...

Henriette Johnsen
20. dec. 20233 min læsning
Self-compassion as part of mental health and emotional selfcare
Compassion means to suffer with; and as such, self-compassion means to suffer with yourself! To feel compassionate with yourself, you...

Henriette Johnsen
21. nov. 20234 min læsning
Tips for having guests visiting from home whilst living abroad
In my expats days, we were often blessed with family and friends coming over for visits. Blessed in the sense that not only did they come...

Henriette Johnsen
21. nov. 20234 min læsning
Tips for Christmasing in your home country
For many expats, Christmas of 2020 and 2021 were particular difficult times as they were forced to cancel their plans to travel over the...

Henriette Johnsen
21. nov. 20235 min læsning
Christmas on your own?
At Christmas, we feel a stronger urge to belong and a more enhanced sense of appreciation of family values; and for those of you who...

Henriette Johnsen
15. nov. 20237 min læsning
For love-pats and partners hereof: bringing your loved one home...
... unfortunately, isn't always the adventure that you had hoped it to be. This blogpost will explore why and what to do to prevent...
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